Saturday, September 10, 2011

1.16 Switching Places

Season 1, Episode 16
"Switching Places"
Writer: Shuky Levy and Steve Kramer
Director: Jeff Reiner

Episode Summary:
We open with Billy showing Kimberly his newest invention - a mind-reading device!  Yet unbeknownst to Billy, Squatt (that little devil!) tinkered with his toy and the invention accidentally switches Kimberly and Billy's bodies.  Bulk and Skull sneak in and the same thing happens to them!  Hilarious!

The next day we see Kimberly and Billy trying to function as each other to hilarious results.  Billy-in-Kimberly can't put on makeup and wears frumpy clothes and explodes a cheese souffle.  Kimberly-in-Billy blows up a computer during a tutor-session and dresses him in a stylish slim-fitting vest.  Billy-in-Kimberly walks around with his hands in her pants (that sounds bad) and Kimberly-in-Billy stands with his hip cocked and flips his hair around. 

Rita sends her Genie monster after Squatt rubs him out (of the lamp) and the Rangers morph, fight, call on the zords, and are about to lose when Alpha 5 figures out a way to trap the Genie back in his lamp.  Victory!  Billy then figures out how to fix his machine and everyone is back to normal.  Skull makes a joke about borrowing Billy's brain for a math test on Monday.  Silly Skull.

-First line - Kim "So like, what is this new project?"
-First on-screen Ranger - Billy and Kimberly

-Last line - Billy "Some people will never learn."
-Focus Character: Billy and Kimberly
-Rangers do NOT defeat the bad guy - Alpha 5 does
-Last episode before *spoiler alert* Green Ranger

Since this is the last episode before the Green Ranger saga, it's nice to have a light-hearted comedic episode.  Unlike other light-hearted comedic episodes, this one is actually funny.  The story-line is character based rather than action based and the result is a much more enjoyable show.  The comedy isn't forced even though it's slap-stick and the acting is actually somewhat decent.  If you're looking for why Kimberly is a fan-favorite - this episode is the epitome of why.

Amy Jo yet again shows off her acting talent by showing her comedic chops and does a really good impersonation of David Yost's Billy - down to his nerdy lingo and word pronunciation and mannerisms.  I say this without irony, she actually does a really good job with this role.  David Yost actually shows that he has an inkling of acting ability as well as he incorporates a lot of Kimberly-mannerisms in his hair flipping and the way he pronounces certain, like, words.  However, he makes Kimberly out to be really uninterested in anything but herself and highly inconvenienced by everything - and that's not the Kimberly we know and love.  Bad Billy.

Continuing with what we saw in "Power Ranger Punks", Billy shows some promise of maybe one day not being the poorly dressed nerd who over-enunciates and sucks-the-fun-out-of-everything.  Season 2 spoiler perhaps?  So - props to the costuming department on this episode, you win.  Props to Bulk and Skull, you actually can act as well.  And props to Kim and Billy on a job well done.

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