Thursday, August 30, 2012

1.34 Green Candle Part 1

Episode 34, Season 1
Green Candle Part 1
Writer: Mark McKain & Stewart St. John
Director: Robert Hughes

Episode Summary:
Everything is normal as per usual in Ranger world - Zack and Tommy are sparring at the Angel Grove Youth Center and talking about *blush* the dance.  We learn that Tommy has been sweet on Pink Ranger Kimberly and can't bring himself to ask her to the dance.  Zack realizes how ridiculous this is and gives him sass.
Tommy decides to man up and ask Kim during a walk through the park except, sigh, Goldar has to go and ruin the moment.  The Putties wreak some havoc and end up bringing Tommy back to his second home - Rita's layer.  It is here that we learn the dastardly scheme Rita has worked up this week - STEALING TOMMY'S POWERS!
Apparently while evil, he touched some of Rita's green paraffin wax and she made a candle out of it and BOOM his powers will be hers. Whatever will the Rangers do?  At the same time she also releases a Cyclops monster who can shape-shift.  Tommy decides that instead of saving his powers he'd rather help his friends and save the world.  But oh no . . . the candle is still burning
-First on-screen – Tommy and Zack
-First line – “You okay, man?" - Tommy
-Focus – Tommy 
-Last Line – “The Green Ranger's . . . finished." - Tommy
-Tommy touched Rita's wax
Well, Rita finally came up with a scheme that's actually not bad.  Given, the writers had to find a way to write in Burai's death on Zyuranger without actually killing Tommy.  The kiddies would have the sads.  So it's a good way to end the *SPOILER* first Green Ranger era without completely crushing the dreams and hopes and delusions of American children.  Apparently Japanese children can take it.  But - this wax business is out of nowhere.  Could we maybe have set up this plot point sooner?  It's not like they didn't know Burai dies.
We also see Tommy getting dating advice from Zack - which is a big ouch to Jason whom I thought was his best friend.  But clearly Zack's got some moves, as we see when Angela rejects him (again).  But seriously, who are you going to get girl advice from?  Jason the jock, Billy the closeted gay guy, or Zack the guy who invented his own form of martial arts based on his hot dance moves.  I think the answer is clear.  Plus, as I've pointed out several times - definitely something going on with Trini and him so I think he knows what he's talking about.
We're left on the edge of our seats to ponder:
1) will Tommy lose his powers?????
2) will Kim go to the dance with Tommy?????
3) can Tommy actually dance?