Thursday, February 9, 2012

1.33 The Yolk's on You!

Episode 33, Season 1
The Yolk’s on You!
Writer: Cheryl Saban
Director: Terence H. Winkless

Episode Summary:
Jason and Tommy approach Principal Caplan and suck up to him by telling him what a great idea his talent show was.  Trini is helping Ernie organize the show by gathering props and making sure the talent is prepared.  As Trini mentions her prop gathering duties Tommy realizes he forgot his and Jason’s belts.  So I suppose they’re doing something karate oriented for this show.
Finster delivers a soliloquy wherein we discover that it’s Rita’s birthday!  He creates his own monster and sends it to Earth to make Rita oh so happy on this day of hers.  We find Tommy playfully kicking leaves in the park when putties attack him and steal his communicator and morpher.  At least this time he was wearing his communicator.
Bulk and Skull are trying to eat eggs on the set of the talent show when we cut away to Finster’s monster, affectionately known as Fang, upset at Squatt and Baboo for eating his beloved Gooney Bird eggs.  The parallelism astounds me.
Rita and her goons keep telling Fang that if he kills the Rangers he can have all the Gooney Bird eggs he wants – and my how he tries.   After Tommy breaks free from his putty captors, he calls on Dragonzord to help the Rangers form Ultrazord and take this mother out.
We conclude with Jason and Tommy doing a synchronized karate routine ending in breaking a board.  Which really holds nothing to Bulk and Skull’s rock song.  The teens laugh and the closing credits roll.
-First on-screen – Jason and Tommy
-First line – “Hi, Mr C” - Jason
-Focus – Tommy and Jason
-Last Line – “Kiyah!” – Tommy and Jason
-Angel Grove has a dam
-today is Rita’s birthday

I’m a bit sad that I didn’t know it was Rita’s birthday ahead of time.  I didn’t even get her a card.  I would have appreciated more of an effort on her henchmen’s part to actually throw her a party.  That would have been some cute comic relief.
That said, I did not appreciate Fang’s weird horrible pseudo-Mexican accent.  Not to mention he was basically being used by Rita.  This makes him a more tragic monster than her others.  All he wanted was his Gooney Bird eggs and they kept telling him the Rangers stole them. 
Something I put together watching this episode – Bulk and Skull are the comic relief of the teens world.  Baboo and Squatt are the comic relief of the evil monster world.  B&S?  And they both stole someone’s eggs in this episodes?  The symbolism is so literal.
All else aside, I think I’ve seen this episode earlier in the series.  Trini yet again shows she’s highly responsible and really runs the show.   Billy dresses as a gay cowboy.  It’s basically a reiteration of Hobby Week but since Tommy missed that we get to learn that SURPRISE his hobby is karate. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1.32 A Star is Born

Episode 32, Season 1
A Star is Born
Writer: Cheryl Saban
Director: Terence H. Winkless

Episode Summary:
Kimberly and Zack are hanging out with Tommy in school when we find out that Tommy has his eye on stardom and is auditioning for a karate commercial.  What kind of commercial and what it has to do with karate remains unanswered until the end of the episode (dun dun dun).  Tommy’s hair amazingly stays in place as he shows off his martial arts skillz to Bulk and Skull and for the first time I’ve realized Tommy has a mullet.
We cut to the beach where the teens (minus Tommy) are enjoying a day in the sun playing with beach balls (unless you’re Jason and then you’re showing off your guns doing karate moves).  Bulk and Skull lather each other up with lotion/mayonnaise in quite a homoerotic display.  In an unprecedented act of bitchery, Scorpina and her pet worm attack this beautiful beach scene.
The Rangers morph and are trapped in a cocoon spun by her worm (yes, cocoons are for butterflies, I know this).  Tommy is in his audition when Zordon tries to contact him.  We hear his bag beeping because god forbid Tommy ever actually wear his wrist communicator.  Luckily, Jason and the Rangers shoot their way out of the cocoon and call on their Zords.
Bulk auditions for the commercial and hilarity ensues because fat people can’t do sports.  Tommy rocks his audition and then is called away by his Ranger duties.  For some reason a monster called Babe Ruthless appears and the Zords take him down.  We jump out of the Zords only to jump back in seconds later to take down Scorpina’s worm.  Dragonzord Battlemode and Megazord (respectively) win this battle and we find ourselves in Ernie’s gym watching telly.
The newscast on the TV mentions property damage is sustained but there are no human casualties thanks to the Power Rangers.  We then see Tommy’s commercial which seems to have been filmed unknowingly since it’s his audition footage.  Did he even see the contract before signing?  This is dispersed with footage of Bulk’s audition and we’re told that if we take karate lessons we can look like Tommy instead of Bulk.
-First on-screen – Kim, Tommy, Zack
-First line – “So Tommy, are you gonna go to the beach with us tomorrow?” - Kim
-Focus - Tommy
-Last Line – “All right, Tommy!” - Zack
-Scorpina has a pet worm
-Zords called on twice

The storyline for the episode is good enough in that we get to see the kids having fun at the beach and some hilarity from Bulk and Skull.  We also get to see Tommy do what Tommy does best – fancy kickin’.  The fight scene footage though is spliced to the point of incomprehensibility.  We’re in the Zords defeating Babe Ruthless and then jump out of them only to get back in them again to defeat Scorpina’s worm.  Obviously this is because the fight footage is from two different episodes.  Overall, the editing effort just looks sloppy.  As it does every time they put in two different villains from various episodes.
Also – why did Rita name her monster Babe Ruthless?  I mean, I appreciate the wit behind the name but it sounds like a Roller Derby chick’s name.  Since when does Rita appreciate human culture and history?  The monster comes out of nowhere – the focus of the episode should have been Scorpina’s Worm.  There could have been an entirely different episode with a baseball theme for Babe Ruthless.  The kids could have been coaching a Little League team when all of a sudden Tommy forgets the team’s batting equipment and on his way to retrieve it he realizes he left his communicator on the bench and is jumped by putties while Babe Ruthless attacks the kids on the baseball diamond.  And boom, you’re welcome Saban.
The US footage, yet again, is more pleasurable to watch and makes a lot more sense than the fight footage.  At least the teens’ storylines is coherent and seems somewhat plausible.  Unlike being caught in Scorpina’s worm’s cocoon.  I want a cookie for not making a single dirty joke about Scorpina’s worm or her worm’s cocoon for this entire blog.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

1.31 Calamity Kimberly

Episode 31, Season 1
Calamity Kimberly
Writer: Tom Wyner and Julianne Klemm
Director: Terence H. Winkless

Episode Summary:
We open in Kimberly’s bedroom with her moaning that it’s morning already and literally getting out of bed on the wrong side.  We the viewers see Squatt spying on her as an earthquake breaks her mirror.  Her dry cleaning is burned through and a beautiful day suddenly thunderstorms.  Today is just not looking good for our dear Kimberly.
Rita and Finster are discussing their latest idea for a monster, Samurai Fanman, but are clearly looking at a mini-version of Bones.  Me thinks I’ve seen this footage before.  Very clever, MMPR.
Kimberly is drenched when she arrives at school, her pep rally plans are muddy, her umbrella broke, TOMMY SEES HER WITH HORRIBLE HAIR!  Kimberly then treats us to the staple 90s phrase of disbelief – NOT!  Tommy fends off Bulk and Skull tormenting her as he finds Kimberly’s bad luck adorable and asks if he can walk her home after school (aww).
Tommy does some sweeping romantic grab when Kimberly falls, and then Samurai Fanman knocks Tommy out and steals Kimberly.  Tommy’s down for the count and naps on a chaise lounge at the Command Center for the remainder of the episode.  Trini teaches Billy Tai Chi and then we see our bad guys eating dinner at the Putty Bowl restaurant (seriously, how did we miss this restaurant in Angel Grove before?).  The big battle begins when the Rangers arrive on their underused bikes.  They fight, nothing happens, Tommy wakes up and calls on Dragonzord and then the monster dies.  Finally.
Kimberly ends the episode by wearing a jaw-dropping dress (well, only Tommy’s jaw drops, she walked by Billy first but since he’s gay he probably didn’t even notice, sigh) and burning out Billy’s tv when news of their fight comes on.  Oh Kimberly.
Facts:-First on-screen – Kimberly
-First line - "Morning already?” - Kim
-Focus - Kimberly
-Last line - "Yeah!” – Trini
-Trini knows Tai Chi and tried to teach to Billy
-Tommy has his first injury that benches him for most of the episode
We see more of the Tommy/Kimberly romance which I’m always good for.  We also get to see Kimberly the character stretch a little more.  Obviously Kimberly is supposed to be the popular pretty girl – but we get to see that the popular pretty girl still gets picked on (by Bulk and Skull) and that she is insecure about her looks just like everyone else in high school.  Her dislike of her wet hair and Tommy seeing it comes across as shallow in the episode, but borrowing from my own experience as a teenage girl, it’s not too far off.
I also like that in case we forgot Trini exists, we still get to see that she knows so much more than everyone else on this show as she teaches Billy Tai Chi.  Why wouldn’t Trini know Tai Chi?  Seriously.
There’s also a few continuity problems with the source footage and the English dubbing.  We see Rita looking at Bones (from way back in episode 2) but they’re talking about Samurai Fanman.  We also do not see Samurai Fanman coming out of Finster’s machine.  Why is that?  Because it didn’t happen on Zyuranger.  Simple as that.  We also see the issue of getting Tommy out of the way because the Green Ranger was not in the source footage (because he’s busy, you know, dying).

Friday, February 3, 2012

1.30 The Rockstar

Episode 30, Season 1
 The Rockstar
Writer: Peggy Nicoll
Director: Terence H. Winkless

Episode Summary:
We open with our favorite teenagers packing the car for a field trip (whether this is school sponsored or just for funsies remains unanswered).  Trini packs some “exotic cookies” that turn out to be escargot and everyone enjoys before she unveils what escargot actually is and the teens comically throw the “exotic cookies” over their shoulders.  Through exposition we find out that Jason is not going on this trip because his cousin, Jeremy, is in town and he wants to hang out with him.
We cut to Rita who tells us of her evil plan to obtain the Mirror of Destruction which, true to its name, destroys anything that stands in its path.  Luckily for our Rangers, this mirror is hidden in Angel Grove so they don’t have to travel very far to battle Rita’s evil plan. 
Bulk and Skull are eating a large pizza (the sloppy joe pizza to be exact) and Bulk picks a fight with Jason.  He makes some martial arts moves that are rather uncomfortable to watch and Jason merely evades and lets Bulk make a fool of himself.  He tells Jeremy to remember brains over brawn.  Jason and Jeremy then practice some karate kicks and Jason tells his cousin how martial arts helped build his confidence and made him a better person and the same old crap we hear in every after school special.
Realizing I’m taking too long to get to the point of the episode, I’ll sum up the rest of the ep in one paragraph.
Jason and Jeremy fight some putties on the beach, Jeremy finds a map  that produces an earthquake.  Our teens feel said earthquake in their car (yes, scientifically this baffled me, too) , must be Rita and not the fact that we live in California.  Scorpina then summons Rockstar (cleverly named because it shoots rocks).  Rockstar kicks a morphed Trini and Zack in a pool with rocks attached to their bellies.  Billy shows up despite the fact that he was not in the morphing sequence.  Jeremy finds the mirror and kills some putties with it (not before telling us brains before brawn) and then he masterfully kills Rockstar with it.  Scorpina grabs the mirror and Rita makes her grow.  Goldar joins and the Rangers are able to destroy the mirror.  Jeremy then recounts the story and the Rangers’ egos grow as he tells them how awesome they are.
-First on-screen – Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy
-First line – “This is going to be fun!” - Billy
-Focus - Jason
-Last Line – “I have a martial arts class that I need to teach.  Come on, Jeremy.” – Jason
-Tommy does not appear in this episode nor is he mentioned
-Jeremy kills the monster, not the Rangers

First of all – this is probably the second episode where we see a monster destroyed but NOT by the Rangers (with Alpha 5 destroying the Genie earlier in the season).  But note that Jeremy does not gloat about this when recounting his story later.  I think this humility is perhaps a greater lesson for the kiddies watching at home rather than us constantly being beat over the head with “brains over brawn”.
Second, there are some scientific aspects of this show that really just . . . left me in pain.  Billy didn’t realize what escargot was until he thought about it for a second, he’s a brainiac he should have known exactly what escargot was when Trini said it the first time.  Then we have them feeling the earthquake in the car – which just doesn’t happen.  Then we have the Rangers with rocks on them in the pool.  They were floating in the pool, not sinking.  It makes one question if these rocks were really rocks or rather some Styrofoam prop (my money’s on prop).  I get that drowning Rangers might be too heavy for kids to watch, but having floating rocks is just dumb.
Overall, I didn’t personally enjoy this episode due to the lack of Kimberly (or for that matter, Tommy) – but I can see how this show might be one of those episodes that people distinctly remember from 20 years ago.  If you’re a kid watching this and see someone who looks like you practicing karate with Jason the Red Power Ranger, that’s pretty cool. 
Not to mention, I think Jeremy is undervalued in this episode.  He’s an actual teenager (which at this point none of the actual Rangers are), and he’s actually not that bad with martial arts.  His moves aren’t as polished and tight as Jason’s, but they’re still not too shabby form-wise.  He’s got his wits about him and fights some Putties, kills Rockstar, finds the Mirror of Destruction and recognizes when it’s “too hot to handle” and doesn’t get power hungry.  NBD.  No other kid on the show (at this point) has shown herself/himself as being capable and have all been damsels in distress (for lack of a better phrase).  Trini’s cousin Sylvia?  She couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag without Trini.  Kimberly and Trini’s “sister” Maria?  Punky Brewster was captured within minutes of us being introduced to her.  Billy’s protégé, Willy?  Forced to hang out in a monster’s eyeball.  Zack’s entire Hip-Hop Kido class?  Sleeping on the job.
We’re getting away from the idea that only the Rangers are the heroes and getting more into the fact that other people, normal average people, have the power to be heroes inside of them.   Now lets go sing some Kumbayahs.