Thursday, September 8, 2011

1.14 Foul Play in the Sky

Season 1, Episode 14
"Foul Play in the Sky"
Writer: Shuki Levy
Director: Shuki Levy

Episode Summary:
In a rare show of having-a-budget, the episode opens at an airfield where Kimberly is about to go on a flight with her pilot-uncle, Uncle Steve.  Bulk and Skull invite themselves along and five-o-clock-shadow Uncle Steve shows us around Angel Grove and the surrounding mountain range.  Unbeknownst to Uncle Steve but knownst to us, Squatt placed a potion in his generic-brand Cola that causes him to pass out in the plane leaving Kimberly, Bulk, and Skull helpless.  Amy Jo (aka the only actor on this show who actually acts) shows off her talents as she shows us the following: worry, panic, resolve, and keeping it cool.

Alpha 5 suggests Kim teleport out of the plane but she refuses due to the fact that she must make sure the other passengers are safe (she's compassionate and thinks of others, you see).  Rita distracts the other Rangers with Snizard and they find they really need Kim's archery skills to defeat him.  Alpha 5 instructs Kimberly how to land the plane and she makes a quick exit while Uncle Steve comes to and runs off to a safe space and declares, for the first time ever and by herself, IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

Kimberly shows up with her Power Bo and kills her second monster by herself because Kim > everyone else except maybe Trini.  We end with Kim being worshipped by some teenage guy who tells her how brave she is and Jason and Zack make fun of Kim having game.  Haters.

-First line - Kim "Let me talk to Trini again."
-First on-screen Ranger - Kim
-Last line - Zack "Tell me more you big strong hunk of a man, you."
-Focus character - Kim
-Kim says "it's morphin time" for first time by herself - first time someone other than Jason can do so
-Trini fights (and assumingly defeats) a Yellow Belt
-Introduction of Angela

This was the bonafide first episode of the show I ever saw and I can see now why it drew me in to the series.  It's a little more serious and dramatic than the earlier stupid/comedic episodes.  This gives us a chance to see Kimberly expanding her interests (much like Trini) and also to show off that MMPR actually CAN film on location as opposed to just at the Gym and Juice Bar.  While I see now that Kim's acting is a bit overboard, I think she deserves points for the fact that in 19 seasons of Power Rangers, she's still the only one who actually ACTED on the show.  But again, I'm biased.

We meet Zack's love interest, Angela, in this episode and learn that despite the fact that he makes fun of Kim and Billy for their macking skills - he has no game of his own.  However, I do like the fact that for once we're getting to see a friendship develop between a Ranger and a non-Ranger that will *spoiler alert* last for more than one episode.  It gives Zack something to do other than say "yo man" and "I'm bummin" which is what he needs.  Walter Jones is not a one-dimensional actor but Zack (so far) is a one-dimensional character.  Give him something to do besides dance to hip-hop music!

Early Hypothesis:
Kimberly is taking over Trini's role as most-focused character with most character development.  This could be why Kimberly became such a fan favorite.  Either she's just so talented and people recognized that (comapred to the rest of the case) or it's because she was shoved down our throats for so many episodes.  We're also beginning to see Kim's importance to the rest of the team as she defeats, for the second time, a monster on her own.

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