Episode 36, Season 1
Birds of a Feather
Julianne Klemm
Robert Hughes
We start off with Zack teaching
a mixed martial arts class – apparently he became a certified instructor at
Ernie’s Gym and Juice Bar at some point despite no formal martial arts
training. His students are practicing
some hardcore striking drills when we get a motivational speech about the
upcoming youth Martial Arts tournament to be held later that day! Zack’s protégé
is then scurred by Bulk and Skull’s protégé, Biff. As it turns out, Biff’s got some mad skills
for a kid.
We skip to the tournament where
Zack’s protégé, Cameron, learns a hard lesson that every MMPR kid eventually
learns – you can never count on your Ranger to be there. Ever. We
head to the Command Center where Zordon informs us that Rita sent the Hatchasaurus
and Zordon sent the Dragonzord to take care of it . . . without a pilot? Srsly. The Rangers morph and finish the job
with Megazord. But oh no, the
Hatchasaurus is not dead! Cardiotron
(the heart of the monster) is still operating!
And he’s taken the Dragonzord hostage!
His Megareceptors just aren’t working!
Jason hops inside Cardiotron
and uses the Dragonshield to take him down from the inside. Something something something, summon
Ultrazord, end of monster. We head back to the tournament just in
time to watch Cameron win in the ultimate battle against Biff.
on-screen – Zack
line – “Ready one, two, three, four, five six . . .”- Zack
– Zack
Line – “Proud because you believed in yourself!” - Zack
uses Dragon Shield in battle
performs his kata to hip-hop music
Tommy didn’t get to be a part of the tournament – he loves martial arts
competitions. This is the first
post-Green Ranger episode and it always baffled me that while Tommy is no
longer a Ranger, why did they isolate him from hanging out with the team? Exclusivity much?

all the drama of the Green Candle two parter, you don’t necessarily expect too
much from this episode – it’s good to get a breather in from a feel-good
episode. Also, the red looks so cool in the Dragon Shield.
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