"Gung Ho!"
Director: Robert Hughes
Writer: Mark Hoffmeier
Episode Summary:
Tommy and Jason are training for the Team Ninja competition and having trouble cooperating. Despite the fact that Zack is coaching and Billy designed a computer program to get them into shape, their constant bickering about who is right and who is wrong is getting in the way of progress. Because obviously this conflict has been building up since . . . ? Trini tells the boys they need to learn to GUNG HO! Kimberly and Trini are walking to the park discussing the conflict between Jason and dreamy Tommy when Rita sends a band of putties to attack the girls. But wait, these aren't just ordinary putties - they're Super Putties made from the Super Putty from the last episode (CONTINUITY!)!
The other Rangers try to help the girls fight off the Super Putties and then regroup at the Command Center since they've never before had that much trouble with henchmen. Zack (who leads with "it's morphin time" as the de facto second in command) leads Kimberly, Billy, and Trini into battle against the Super Putties while Zordon comes up with this *amazing* plan to get Tommy and Jason to cooperate - he sends them to gather the only weapons they can use to defeat the Super Putties. What's the catch? He gives them a map . . . split in two . . . and gives them each half. Fool-proof.
Tommy and Jason still won't gung-ho and even though they find the landmarks they should be, each takes credit for something without helping the other. Sigh. They finally spot the weapons and are attacked by a giant mecha-beast. They morph and Jason comes up with a plan that finally incorporates teamwork - Tommy you're better with a sword (I don't know what this assumption is based on) and I can get up the hill faster to get the weapons, so you take my sword, and I'll take your shield since I'll be defenseless. They do so and Jason discovers . . . some other team of Rangers weapons!
He steals the other Rangers weapons and brings them to his friends who use them to shoot down the Super Putties. We then find out the mecha-beast? Really our good friend Titanus whom Zordon's never mentioned before and can apparently turn Megazord into the ultimate weapon. Thanks.
Shirtless Tommy and Jason battle fully cloaked ninjas in the Team Ninja Finals and apply their team-working skills from earlier to win the competition. Yay.
-First line - Jason "I could've had you man."
-Last line - Jason "Yeah, we make a great team."
-First on-screen - Tommy and Jason
-Focus - Tommy and Jason
-Introduction of the Super Putties
-Introduction of Titanus the Carrier Zord
-Tommy's shield is transferable

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